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Bad news: The Shenandoah Valley Bike Coalition (SVBC) and The Doctor ride, run, walk event (DR100) did not receive a grant from BikesBelong (see emails below for further details).

Good news: We still have $20,950 to spend (thanks to matching funds from the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County) on expanding bike/pedestrian lanes on public roads as well as expanding the JMU bike program!

Effective immediately, The DR100 Executive Committee has authorized the disbursement of funds for the following projects:


Project #1: $6,200 of DR100 funds plus $5,500 from the City Match for Cost-share for new bicycle facilities in Harrisonburg Project funding will be utilized to apply shared lane marking symbols for 8,400 feet on South Main Street and various other designated City streets. Ms. Thanh Dang, please let us know how to proceed.

Project #2: $6,050 of DR100 funds plus $2,000 from Rockingham County for Cost-share for new bicycle facilities in Rockingham County Project funding will be utilized to stripe, mark, and erect the necessary signs designating bike lanes (east and west) adjacent to the new Stone Spring Road at the new Rockingham Memorial Hospital site. Mr. Stephen King, please let us know how to proceed.

Project #3: $1,200 of DR100 funds for the Cycle Share program (Bike Library) at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Project funding will be utilized to obtain 4 new bicycles fully complemented with necessary safety and security equipment (locks, helmets, safety lights, and baskets/racks). Mr. Zack Evans, please let us know how to proceed.

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