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FixBike-icon-220x222The (L)earn-a-Bike program was launched in May through Harrisonburg Gift & Thrift, and local bicycle enthusiasts are teaching practical skills and providing positive role models for local youth. Each participant learns the basics of bike repair and maintenance while refurbishing an abandoned bike, earning the right to own the bike upon completion of the course.
From Ben Bailey of the (L)earn-a-Bike program:
Over the past few months, we have been collecting bicycles that have been discarded at Rockingham County waste management sites. Most of these bikes are too decrepit to be used in the diversion program. We strive to equip our students with sustainable transportation, so department store bikes and played-out rust-buckets simply won’t due. But these bikes still have useful parts on them and we can use their carcasses to fund the program, by taking them to the scrap yard.
Please join fellow (L)aB supporters for a work party on Saturday, October 17th from 9am – 10am at Gift & Thift’s bicycle classroom.
If you have a pick-up truck (or access to a friend’s), bring it along.  We will split into teams to strip the bikes of useful components, load their carcasses into trucks, and deliver them to the scrap yard.

Coffee and breakfast treats will be provided.

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