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ENDURO , XC, and XXC at the Massanutten Hoo-Ha

The 2015 HOO-HA! will be held on June 6 & 7, 2015 on Massanutten’s Western Slope. Schedule below, pre-registration now open!

When  |  June 6 & 7, 2015

Where  |  Massanutten’s Western Slope, Keezletown, VA.

The crew at Massanutten has just released the course for the 2015 Massanutten Hoo-Ha mountain bike race.  Each year there are some new trails for the race thanks to all the volunteers who help each Thursday.  To say thank you, Massanutten is extending a 25% discount to any SVBC member who pre registers for the race. Just use 25% discount code SVBCHH15  when registering via Don’t forget about the Saturday’s Enduro event, four routes that will test any rider…one route will include the new “Laird’s Nose” trail.  Come out and support this local mountain bike race!


Pre-Register for the race and save! There is NO Sunday registration this year. You will need to Pre-Register online (using BikeReg linkbelow) or Register in person on Saturday ($15 late fee). Pre-Registration will be open until Thursday, June 4th at 8 am.HH15

2015 Tentative Schedule 

Saturday, June 6th
7:30 am – 8:30 am Enduro Registration ($15 late fee – limited spots, please pre-register)
9:00 am – 2:00 pm Super D Registration ($15 late fee)
9:00 am – 3:00 pm Enduro Race stages
10:00 am – 4:00 pm Sunday Race Registration ($15 late fee)
2:30 pm Super D Start (final Enduro stage)


Sunday, June 7th
9:00 am XXC Class Start
9:15 am Kids Race
11:00 am Main Event Start (all classes except XXC and Beginner)
11:45 am Beginner Class Start



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