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What: For the Ride of Silence, cyclists will take to the roads in a silent procession to honor cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways.

When: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 7:00PM

Where: Harrisonburg’s Ride of Silence begins and ends at the University Commons on the EMU campus. Map from Court Square to EMU Commons

Why: Although cyclists have a legal right to share the road with motorists, the motoring public often isn’t aware of these rights, and sometimes not aware of the cyclists themselves.

Questions? Marshall Hammond is the event organizer. Contact him with questions:

“A man may die. Nations may rise and fall. But an idea lives on.”
(JFK, Feb 8, 1963)


Who rides?

Road racers, MTB, BMX, cross, triathlete, duathlete, DH, trike, DF, ‘Bent, fixies, cruisers, trikes, elite, age groupers, commuters, critical mass, cycle chic, lycra, denim, tweed, recreational, casual, young, old, fast, slow – it doesn’t matter.

Whether you know it or not, you are part of a large family, and this is your call to the family reunion.


Thank you for your passion as we ride silently in hope to end the tragedy on our roads, continuing the tradition of excellence that distinguishes The Ride Of Silence, and as together, we envision the path for the future.

The unity and visibility of this event depends on the solidarity of the cyclists taking a stand.

Our purpose is noble; our cause is just.


We are creating an amazing experience, a moving tribute that brings light to a special shared healing for others, and yourself in the process.

We must work to insure the weakest and most vulnerable of all road users are by law afforded equal protection, under the law, city, state, and federal law.

Please join us May 17, 2017, 7 PM, for the boldest bike ride in history.


We all ride.

Now we can ride as one.

One day.

One time.

One world, world-wide.

Let the silence roar.


Chris Phelan, Founder

The International Ride Of Silence (501©3)


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