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20090601-IMBA_logo_1Guest Speaker from IMBA and Massanutten Trails meeting all at the April SVBC social!

We are gearing up for riding season and with more warm weather on the way, the events and rides will only increase. Stay up to speed on all of the SVBC weekly rides that have already begun this year. Learn about ALL the great things going on with the SVBC by joining us at our April Monthly social.

What: SVBC April Monthly Social
Where: Ruby’s Lounge (Basement of Clementine)
When: Monday April 11 @ 7pm



Join us for a brief agenda about what is going on in our vibrant local cycling community. Then meet, Anthoy Duncan (Mid-Atlantic regional director for the International Mountain Biking Association) as he gives us an update on other mountain bike and trail related happenings in Virginia. Anthony will also hang around to meet folks and answer any questions you may have

Most folks arrive around or before 7:00 pm, order food and/or drinks and hang out and chat.  Between approximately 7:30 and 8 pm, we hold a half-hour informal meeting, where we go through past and future SVBC events and anything on tap on the SVBC City or County advocacy fronts.  After the meeting, people resume hanging out and chatting.

It’s really fun, a great way to find out what we’re up to, and, if you’d like, to get more involved.  We’d love it if you joined us.

After our April agenda you can opt to join Thomas and others to learn more about the latest developments for the trails at Massanutten’s Western Slope. Massanutten Western Slope Trails Meeting is set to kickoff around 8pm or so whenever the social wraps up.

Monday April 11th  immediately after the monthly SVBC bike social (8pm or so),This discussion will NOT be focused on trail passes with emphasis on creating a better trail system for all.

Some topics Thomas and the Massanutten Western Slope Trails crew will cover:

  • Trail work 2016
  • New lines on the map…connecting Western Slope to new bike park!
  • On the ground mapping..more signage!
  • Better trail head signage and kiosk improvements/relocation
  • New beginner trails!
  • Re-branding of the Western slope….”SVBC trails at Massanutten”
  • Pass options at trail head
  • Skills area!

The Yee Ha is happening later this month and the Hoo Ha is not to far away either!

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